Dialogue in Civil IOT在萬物相連中對話
Dialogue in Civil IOT

在萬物相連中對話 Dialogue in Civil IOT

如何達成永續環境,與自然共生,是刻不容緩的挑戰。為了解決問題、改善生活,我們需要從利他、共享、合作的信念出發,從大量的資料中找出最強的相關線索,思考未來的趨勢。走入地震、水資源、空氣品質、防救災等民生領域,我們將見證許多人透過大數據、人工智慧與物聯網的應用,面對災害來臨,提早防汛抗旱、預測空氣品質、發布地震警訊;同時在萬物聯網的脈絡,找出無數種溝通、聯結的可能。 It is a critical challenge to us - how do we sustain the environment and coexist with nature. In order to solve problems and improve the quality of life, we need to start with the beliefs of altruism, share and cooperation, then find clues from a large amount of data, and predict the future trends.Looking into the four fields of “Earthquake”, “Water Resources”, “Air Quality”, and “Disaster Prevention”, we will witness pioneers applying “Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things” into disaster confrontation, flood and drought prevention, air quality prediction and earthquake warnings announcement. Through Civil IoT Taiwan, there are countless possibilities for dialogue.